Rev. Tracy Johnson
Feb 12, 2021
God. Faith. Sacred. Jesus. Church. Prayer. Grace. Sin. Holy. Salvation. Amen. Are you triggered yet? I could go on – probably...

Rev. Tracy Johnson
Jan 11, 2021
“Grounding Our Faith”
I sat on my cushion last week, sipping tea and gazing at the birds flitting amid the otherwise empty birch branches outside my window. ...

Rev. Tracy Johnson
Jan 4, 2021
Christmas Eve 2020
Have you ever had one of those moments when you just knew – an ‘AHA!’ moment they are sometimes called – when you know deep inside your...

Rev. Tracy Johnson
Dec 11, 2020
"Can We Talk?"
Have any of you ever heard of UU Wellsprings? Participated in one of the groups? This is a real gem of a program that operates much...

Rev. Tracy Johnson
Nov 23, 2020
“Grateful Still”
This week we celebrate Thanksgiving with all its complicated history and familial dynamics. Nationally it is recognized as a day to...