Unitarian Universalist Meeting House of Chatham
819 Main Street Chatham, MA
Sunday Services at 10:30 AM - in the Sanctuary and on Zoom
UUMH Chatham
Endowment Fund

Please consider a gift to the Endowment Fund to ensure the future of the Meeting House.
Your donation could be as simple as a $50 memorial gift in honor of a good friend or family member! Donations inspired by memorials or other events can easily be done by writing a check to the UUMH Endowment Fund.
The purpose of the Endowment Fund is to enhance the mission and work of the Unitarian Universalist Meeting House beyond general operations through the stewardship and faithful management of gifts and appreciated resources. It helps to assure the long-term future of the Meeting House.
Gifts large and small are welcomed with profound gratitude as a gift in any amount helps to grow the Fund’s principal. The Endowment Fund enables the Meeting House to expand and enrich programs that are beyond the scope of the operating budget.The fund provides a way to continue the legacy of those who have preceded us and helps to guarantee the membership’s long-term financial stability.
Goals and Initiatives
The primary goal of the Endowment Fund is to grow a substantial level of assets to ensure the financial security of the UUMH, even in times of financial uncertainty or greater need. Meantime, the Fund has made distributions to support UUMH initiatives for:
Social justice
Adult programming
The Fund may also be used for the enhancement of building and grounds and developing the wider mission of the UUA.
Social Justice Through Growing Investment
A gift to the Endowment Fund not only provides resources to support UUMH goals and special projects, but it is a socially responsible investment. Investments in the UUMH Endowment, which usually include the Unitarian Universalist Common Endowment Fund (uucef.org), promote policies to:
Avoid investing in companies that are serious polluters, employ sweatshops, or have racist or sexist policies.
Encourage shareholder activism which fosters company policies that align with our values.
Support community investments that set aside funds that can support local businesses.
Donating to the UUMH Endowment Fund therefore not only helps the mission of the UUMH, but it is also a way to put social justice at the forefront of your giving.
Sally Taft Duplaix Memorial Fund
Within the Endowment Fund is a separate fund known as the “Sally Taft Duplaix Memorial Fund,” made possible by a gift to the Endowment Fund by Ms. Duplaix upon her death in 2012. That gift was accompanied by the request that the proceeds be devoted exclusively to Adult Programming and Social Justice Issues. Anyone considering a gift for those specific purposes may do so by making a contribution to that fund. Simply make a notation on your check written to the Endowment Fund.
There are several options of planned giving that will provide you with tax advantages through current income tax deductions, capital gains relief, and estate tax exclusions. Gifts can be made in the form of outright monetary gifts, bequests, or deferred gifts. Consider making a gift to the Endowment Fund as your end-of-year giving.
For longer-term, planned giving to the Fund please feel free to contact an Endowment Board member.
For more information contact Endowment Board Chair Dave Van Wye: drvanwye@comcast.net or other Endowment Board members: Sally Davol, Jeff Dykens, Jon Nye, Margaret Tompsett