UUMH Chatham Governance
Authority and responsibility for the conduct of the affairs of the UUMH rest with the Congregation. The Congregation assigns to the Board of Trustees and the Chair of the Program Council the responsibility for providing leadership to achieve the “Purpose and Vision” of the UUMH. The Congregation has established By-Laws and amends those By-Laws as needed from time to time.
The Congregation reserves to itself the purchase or sale of real estate and the calling or dismissal of a Minister. The Congregation holds an Annual Meeting each year, usually in June, for the purpose of: 1) adopting an Operating Fund Budget for the following year; 2) electing members of the Board of Trustees, Program Council Chair, Nominating Committee, Moderator, and members of the Endowment Board; and 3) conducting such other business as may be specified on the meeting agenda, provided with proper prior notice. Special Meetings may also be called.
Board of Trustees
The Board of Trustees consists of seven voting members of the UUMH, including a President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and three members at large. The Board is responsible for all legal, business, and financial affairs, raising and expending of funds, the recommendation of an annual budget, salaries, compensation, employment and evaluation of staff, and other administrative matters. The Board delegates to the Minister day-by-day supervisory functions and responsibilities. The Board meets at least monthly, and its meetings are open to all members of UUMH.
Program Council Chair
The Council Chairperson coordinates oversee, encourages, and facilitates the activities of and communications among program committees. The Chairperson also coordinates the preparation of budget recommendations by several committees and administers the allocation of budgeted funds as necessary.
Nominating Committee
This Committee consists of five voting members of the UUMH who are elected at the Annual Meeting and who present nominations for all positions to be filled by the Congregation. Endowment Board. Elected at the Annual Meeting, the Endowment Board solicits, promotes, and encourages gifts to the Endowment Fund. It educates the Congregation and guides members through the process of planned giving, with the overall objective of preserving and growing the Endowment Fund assets.
The authority and duties of the Minister are directed toward the furtherance of the “Purposes and Vision” of the UUMH. These include worship, commitment ceremonies, pastoral care and counseling, life learning, and action as appropriate representing UUMH in the community. The Minister’s day-by-day supervisory functions include the administration of staff and facilities. The Minister serves as an ex-officio member of all Boards and Committees and facilitates communication among these several groups.
In each area of UUMH activity and responsibility, Committees are established to coordinate within the Program Council the planning and execution of programs, within budgeted fund levels. Each Committee recommends budget amounts for the coming year, which are consolidated by the Finance Committee into an overall Operating Fund Budget for review and approval by the Board of Trustees and the Congregation.