Unitarian Universalist Meeting House of Chatham
819 Main Street Chatham, MA
Sunday Services at 10:30 AM - in the Sanctuary and on Zoom
As we enter a new year, we are all challenged by a rapidly changing world and a world that is filled with violence and despair. In our own lives, all or most of us face many challenges as well. One way to make a difference in the world and in our lives is the attitude we project to others every day.
January 5, 2025, UUMH, Chatham, Massachusetts
See More - https://www.uumh.net/search-with-us
UUMH Serving Chatham and Cape Cod
Click on the Link Below for Details:
Valentine Crockpot Potluck Brunch - Cancelled
Monthly Monday Book Club - Monday, February 17, 10 AM
MUUGS - Thursday, February 20, 11:30 AM
Caregivers Support Group - Saturday, February 22, 9 AM
Greeter Info Session - Sunday, February 23, at Coffee Hour
Ladies' Lunch - Tuesday, February 25, 11:30 AM
What Now? - Saturday, March 8, 3:00 PM
Saturday Meditation - Weekly at 9:30 AM
Small Groups - Assorted Days/Times
"Tree of Hope" - Visit anytime at UUMH
Thrift Shop - Note of Gratitude
Request a "Google Event Calendar Posting": HERE

Ready for Winter Weather!
Please join us in person or by Zoom. Access Zoom HERE.
The service begins at 10:30 AM.
Sunday Service, February 16th at 10:30 AM
The Kingdom of Heaven in a Vineyard with Rev. Paul Sprecher
The parable of the Workers in the Vineyard challenges our ideas of what is fair in life and work in the world as we know it. Jesus tells a story about a different kind of world, one where everyone gets enough for their needs -- the Kingdom of Heaven, a Blessed Community.
Sunday Service, February 23rd at 10:30 AM
Universalism - Is it Still Relevant Today? with Rev. Chris McMahon
The second “U” in Unitarian Universalism is just that - “Universalism.” Just what did Universalists say, and why did the Unitarian and Universalist movements join together? Is there relevance to Universalism today?