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Preserving Treasured Spaces with Lauren Arcomano

 Executive Director, Chatham Conservation Foundation

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Click on the Link Below for Details:

MUUGS - Thursday, January 16, 11:30 AM

Caregivers Support Group - Saturday, January 25 at 9 AM

Ladies' Lunch - Tuesday, January 28, 11:30 AM

Monthly Monday Book Club - Monday, January 20th, 10 AM

Saturday Meditation - Weekly at 9:30 AM

Small Groups - Assorted Days/Times

"Tree of Hope" - Visit anytime at UUMH

Thrift Shop - Note of Gratitude

Request a "Google Event Calendar Posting": HERE

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Please join us in person or by Zoom. Access Zoom HERE.

The service begins at 10:30 AM.

Sunday Service, January 12th at 10:30 AM

Preserving Treasured Spaces with Lauren Arcomano, Executive Director, Chatham Conservation Foundation. A brief history of conservation in Chatham (and the Cape). For slides, click HERE and the video above.

Greeters: Deb and Joe Zahka

Sunday Service, January 19th at 10:30 AM
In Spite of Everything...Thank You with Rev. Dr. Barbara Whittaker-Johns

Greeters: Priscilla Smith and Joan Caputo

Sunday Service, January 26th at 10:30 AM
Civility and Compassion with Rev. Chris McMahon

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